Wednesday, May 12, 2010

יום שחרור ירושלים (Jerusalem Liberation Day)

Today is Yom Yerushalayim- the day that commemorates Israel recapturing Jerusalem during the Six Day War in 1967. In past years I went to Jerusalem to attend parties and celebrations in the streets and to walk to the Kotel with thousands of others dancing through the blocked off streets towards the Old City. This year I stayed home in Givat Shmuel, but it was still very special.

Last night (the Jewish date starts the night before, so it was also Jerusalem Day last night) David and I went to a wedding. One of David's friends from the army got married. During the part of the ceremony where the groom breaks the glass in commemoration of the destruction of the temple I was particularly touched: Here we were commemorating Jerusalem's destruction and ON the day that Jerusalem was liberated, a new couple is being joined into the community of Israel. It was truly beautiful and a nice way to commemorate the day.

Today was the Brit Milah for my friend Shira's baby. She is my first really really close friend to have a baby so it was especially exciting for me. In addition to being nice to be there with her and her husband, they made it extra special with the name they chose for their son. They called him Yishai, in Hebrew ישי. In addition to being a nice name, the letters form an acronym that stands for יום שחרור ירושלים which literally means Jerusalem Liberation Day (today). It was so beautiful how they were able to add such meaning to their son's name.

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