Thursday, September 27, 2007

Back to America So Soon 26/9/07

I am sitting in the Newark airport waiting for my flight to Houston. David is davening shacharit in the corner, and im playing on my computer and working on a kippa for Zaidy. We’re on our way to Houston for Succot- David was able to get permission to leave the country during his break for the holidays. This is his first trip to see my family in Houston at our home. It’s his first time going to my shul and meeting my friends and close families. It is going to be a really hectic and exciting chag—I have been waiting for this trip since we started dating. I have spent enough time at his house and with his family that I really feel at home there—I know where all the dishes are, I do my own laundry (mostly), I even know where the clean sheets are to make the bed for myself when I come over…. But David has never even SEEN my house. It is something that has always nagged at me our entire relationship and now at long last that missing link will be filled in.

Besides for my excitement about coming home with David, this trip is bringing out lots of feelings I had never really thought about. First and probably the most stark, was how happy I have been this entire journey so far. I can’t remember the last time I left Israel that I wasn’t depressed and literally sobbing as the plane took off. This time I couldn’t stop smiling because I know that not only am I coming back very soon but that I am going to do something really happy that I’ve been looking forward to for years. Another thing that was a huge difference was when the lady sitting next to us asked where we were from I could also answer that I’m from Israel. Yes my roots are in Houston, but Israel is my home now and it felt great to be able to say it like that. Something else cute, I haven’t been a citizen long enough to get an Israeli passport, and not even the special travel certificate that I need until I have been a citizen long enough…I had a one time use only exit letter that allowed me to use my American passport even though its illegal to leave on a foreign passport- because of some details with the dates it expires before I get home and I was worried that I would have a problem reentering the country. The customs official’s response made me feel so great “ Of course you will be able to get it, this is your home now and you will always be able to come home.” I could have kissed her.
Some of the other interesting feelings come from being back so soon. I have been away for less than 3 months. I have been away for much more significant lengths of time before so I am not really homesick. On the other hand, it was so hard to leave the first time that I am a bit worried that it will be hard to leave again. I love my family and it is hard for me to be away from them regardless of how strongly I feel about living in Israel. I don’t think it will be a problem, but it made me think a lot about how hard it will be to leave them again.
It’s time to board. Hopefully I will be unlazy enough to update more often about my trip home. Chag Sameach and Shana Tova to everyone.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Enough is Enough: Procrastination OVER

I am lazy and terrible and I’m sorry. I have been able to come up with 800,001 excuses not to write anything, but now that I am sitting alone in my apartment for the 4th evening in a row I have run out. It’s not as pathetic as it sounds…Becca is in America to be with her family for the Chagim and Shira works the night shift and is never home at night. I do have friends I could call to hang out with but I am just tired. I have laundry going and I will probably clean the floors tonight. Exciting life huh? Actually things are very exciting…

In one week from today I will be home with family. David and I are going to be in Houston over Succot. He was able to get time off from the army ☺! It is his first trip to Houston and I can’t wait. On Monday my Grandma and Zaidy got in. I have seen them every day so far and it is really wonderful to get to spend time with them. They came into Jerusalem today to see my apartment and we went out to dinner with David’s parents.

I am also almost finished with Ulpan. I took my last real test today. I’m not really sure why I have class tomorrow but whatever. I have my two final tests on Sunday and Monday and then I’m finished!! I have really loved Ulpan but I am SO ready for it to be over!!

A few weeks ago I went down to Beer Sheva for my cousin’s Bar Mitzvah. I think they are my second cousins… but whatever the connection I had a wonderful time. It was really nice to get to reconnect with a whole separate branch of my family that also lives in Israel. I have two families of cousins down there. There is one girl just a year under me, one a year older than Seth, two Bar Mitzvah age (boy and girl…they’re first cousins) and then two younger ones. I just had a really nice time schmoozing and catching up. Hopefully I will get to see them all a lot more often!!

About a month ago Becca fell and twisted her ankle. She walked around on it for a few weeks but it didn’t get better. Eventually it got worse so she was on crutches. I helped take care of her for the few weeks before she went home and I have to say that I think it was a really great taste of what being a mommy is going to be like. (She’s ok now don’t worry) It was very interesting to have to put myself and my needs aside for a little while to make sure that she had everything she needed. I also had to be sensitive yet stern to make sure that she was taking care of herself. I had to get her ice packs and help her pack to come home. It really wasn’t such a big deal, I was very very happy to help and even happier to know that we have each other to take be there. I know that she would do just as good of a job taking care of me and it makes me feel better to know that even though I don’t have my mommy so close I have a good friend who can try to help make things better like my mommy would.

An update on my friend Yoni who is the soldier here on his own: He had his swearing in ceremony a couple of weeks ago. As one of his “mommies” I made a point to be there. It was really lovely and I’m so happy we could be there for him. It was also on the anniversary of Becca’s Aliyah. Crazy. We had a little party/ watch a movie at our place…its so nice to have a place ☺

My Aunt and Uncle just finished renovating their kitchen. It's amazing and beautiful and I wanted to put a picture up here just so that I can brag on their behalf :)

PS I keep forgetting to shout out to dror and sandy who schlepped all the way over to my side of town to see me! Thanks guys!