Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wedding Week 27/2/08

Two weeks ago my mom was here for a WHOPPING 6 days to help with wedding planning stuff. It was amazing and crazy and overwhelming and exhausting but somehow we actually accomplished everything we had set out to do. Aside from the fact that I can focus on school knowing that a significant portion of the big decisions have been made, the experience of spending the entire week with my mom and future mother in law was wonderful. I am so lucky that they like each other and get along!!! It was adorable to watch the two of them walk into every meeting with their various folders and just take care of everything right away. I was blown away and I loved it. It was also really nice getting to spend some extra time with my mom! I love being here but I miss my family every day and its nice to get to see at least one of my family members. Ok that’s about it, I mostly wanted to gush about the amazing week with my mommy ☺ hope everyone is having a good one!

1 comment:

Ally said...

I'm sorry I can't read your blog as often as it seems you get to read mine, but I'm so excited that you're doing well. I'm glad wedding plans are in full swing! I tried to apply to Oranim, but they had already filled up by the time I got a chance! I applied to a Young Judea program instead, but timing wise it will hopefully be perfect. The trip is from August 2-12. I'm trying to work out with the coordinator sending in application materials (as I have no fax and limited mailing opportunities here) and getting an extended ticket. I still don't have final approval yet, but I have applied! Cross your fingers! Well, I can't waste too many more minutes, so I must go. Love you and miss you!